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Part Number 100-102
Gottlieb System 80/80A Power Supply

Direct replacement for Gottlieb System 80 and 80A power supplies.

Features of the GPE System 80/80A power supply:
Extensive use of power and ground planes for less electrical noise generation and better heat dissipation.
No hard to remove/reattach heat sink plate - easy access to all components.
Screw terminal connections installed to provide optional secure connections for ground, 12 volt and 5 volts.
Same physical size and mounting hole pattern to assure easy installation.
No surface mount components used. All components are user replaceable.

Modern switching power supply for the 5 volt section:
Capable of providing up to 5 amps of power (current limited to 4 amps for safety purposes). Typical System 80 CPU requires 1.5 amps - plenty of current to spare.
Includes soft-start powerup and built in short circuit protection.
Highly efficient MOSFET based switching supply with a >95% *measured* efficiency when providing 3.6 amps. This means that when providing a current of 3.6 amps to the 5 volt load - the 12 volt bridge rectifier and main filter capacitor circuit are actually providing less than 1.6 amps!

Measured values:
Input power = 12 volts x 1.55 Amps = 18.6 watts
Output power = 5 volts x 3.6 Amps = 18 watts
Efficiency = 18 / 18.6 = 96.7%

This high efficiency results in extended lifespan of transformer, bridge rectifier and main filter capacitor.
Output voltage adjustment provided to overcome cabling voltage loss. Adjustable between 5.0 volts and 5.5 volts. Long life, sealed cermet trimmer used for adjustment. No chance of accidentally adjusting voltage too high causing possible component damage - even if the voltage adjustment trimmer fails.

Far less heat is generated by this supply under full load compared to the hot-plate design of the original power supply.
The old supply dissipated a whopping 25.2 watts of power (based on 3.6 amp load). This translates to a lot of wasted power - i.e. heat.
This new supply dissipates a mere 0.6 watts of power based on the same 3.6 amp load. Much less heat generated.

Due to combination of real heat sinks plus highly efficient components - this is the coolest running power supply available.

Proven series pass transistor design for high voltage section:
Uses easy to find and inexpensive components.
Power resistors are oversized to maximize heat dissipation.
Power transistor uses extruded aluminum heatsink for increased mass and surface area to improve heat transfer and provide a longer transistor lifespan.
Foldback current limiting for short circuit protection - not only limits the current during a short circuit or excessive load but also reduces the amount of current on the output during this period.

> See online documentation here <

Gottlieb is a registered trademark owned by Gottlieb Development LLC

Made in USA
Price: $0.00