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Integrated Circuits

74F00 and 74S00 Series
High Speed, High Power TTL Logic

Part Number 74F00
IC, Quad 2-Input NAND
Integrated Circuit, Fast TTL, Quad 2-Input NAND Gate
Package: DIP-14
Applied Discounts
10% Discount for purchase of 10 or more
Part Number 74F02
IC, Quad 2-Input NOR
Integrated Circuit, Fast TTL, Quad 2-Input NOR Gate
Package: DIP-14
Applied Discounts
10% Discount for purchase of 10 or more
Part Number 74S02
IC, Quad 2-Input NOR
Integrated Circuit, Schottky TTL, Quad 2-Input NOR Gate
Package: DIP-14
Applied Discounts
10% Discount for purchase of 10 or more
Part Number 74F04
IC, Hex Inverter
Integrated Circuit, Fast TTL, Hex Inverter
Package: DIP-14
Applied Discounts
10% Discount for purchase of 10 or more
Part Number 74F08
IC, Quad 2-Input AND
Integrated Circuit, Fast TTL, Quad 2-Input AND Gate
Package: DIP-14
Applied Discounts
10% Discount for purchase of 10 or more
Part Number 74F21
IC, Dual 4-Input AND
Integrated Circuit, Fast TTL, Dual 4-Input AND Gate
Package: DIP-14
Applied Discounts
10% Discount for purchase of 10 or more
Part Number 74F32
IC, Quad 2-Input OR
Integrated Circuit, Fast TTL, Quad 2-Input OR Gate
Package: DIP-14
Applied Discounts
10% Discount for purchase of 10 or more
Part Number 74S37
IC, Dual 4-Input NAND Buffer
Integrated Circuit, Schottky TTL, Quad 2-Input NAND Buffer
Package: DIP-14
Alternate for MC3459P
Applied Discounts
10% Discount for purchase of 10 or more
Part Number 74F37
IC, Dual 4-Input NAND Buffer
Integrated Circuit, Fast TTL, Quad 2-Input NAND Buffer
Package: DIP-14
Alternate for MC3459P
Applied Discounts
10% Discount for purchase of 10 or more
Part Number 74F126
IC, Quad Buffer with 3-State
Integrated Circuit, Fast TTL, Quad Buffer with 3-State outputs
Active high enables
Package: DIP-14
Applied Discounts
10% Discount for purchase of 10 or more
Part Number 74S373
IC, Octal Latch
Integrated Circuit, Schottky TTL, Octal Latch with tristate outputs
Package: DIP-20
Applied Discounts
10% Discount for purchase of 10 or more
Part Number 74F379
IC, Quad D-Type Flip-Flop
Integrated Circuit, Fast TTL, Quad D-Type Flip-Flop
Package: DIP-16
Applied Discounts
10% Discount for purchase of 10 or more
Part Number 74F543N
IC, Octal Transceiver
Integrated Circuit, Fast TTL, Octal Registered Transceiver with 3-State Outputs
Package: DIP-24, 0.3" Wide
Applied Discounts
10% Discount for purchase of 10 or more
List Price: $0.75
Part Number 74F543W
IC, Octal Transceiver
Integrated Circuit, Fast TTL, Octal Registered Transceiver with 3-State Outputs
Package: DIP-24, 0.6" Wide
Applied Discounts
10% Discount for purchase of 10 or more
List Price: $0.75